art by dino.!


she's the perfect picture
of a charismatic gentlecat

basic scheme idea

magnetic and debonair
chivalrous and spirited

Brave's early moons are the embodiment of a kitten. Mischievous, playful, energetic - and most importantly, determined. Being given to an adoptive mother point-blank has left a mark on this tiny cat, and she is set on getting her real mother's attention.
... One way or another.
It starts off small, minor pranks and outbursts to just catch a glimpse of her mother's attention. It doesn't occur to her, quite yet, that Twilightstar is a cat one needs to seek out directly. And by the time it does... well, she's already found herself smitten by something else entirely.Brave develops a fondness for mutilating small animals, starting with fresh-kill and ultimately building into live prey she hunts. At first, this is just a cry for attention - but she quickly realizes she likes doing it. Not only that, but she wants to do it more - and to bigger, more powerful things.

but once she's got you in her sights
that's when the delirium ignites

She learns of ShadowClan cats skinning other animals, including cats, and during a Gathering seeks them out to talk to them. Here she meets Grottopaw, one of Dawnstar's sons. After some convincing she gets a lesson in skinning from him and their relationship grows from there.Her interest in the macabre will lead her to close off from her family, obsessed with her new hobby and her cool new ShadowClan friend who gets her.

the madness quickly takes control
and villainy engulfs her soul

At an undetermined time, she ends up leaving WindClan to join him in ShadowClan and start a family. >:)Unfortunately for WindClan, at least until she feels her place in ShadowClan is secured, she will be standoffish to them at best and aggressive at worst. She cannot risk her newfound life over the past.. and if need be, she'll spill blood to defend her new home.Depending on how Grotto handles possible other wives, she might find herself with stepkids she didn’t want. She won't love it, but as long as she's Grotto's favorite there won't be any issues. Probably.


some additional info

At no point will Brave be "evil", but she will lean into darker behaviors if the story permits.Though her path will take her to ShadowClan, the journey will not lead to her harming one of her Clan-mates. At least not directly, or without permission from her high ranks.Brave does love her family after all, and in a sense loves WindClan, but feels disconnected from them due to her pasttimes and enjoys the company of ShadowClan more. As a ShadowClan cat, she will enforce her mother-in-paw's will.. even if it means killing those who she once called kin.Personality-wise, cats who don't know Brave might not even realize she has an interest in the macabre. She comes off as friendly and confident, a fiery cat who isn't easily bothered but unknowingly to many, this is just a mask of her insecurities. She seeks affirmation and affection, even if it leads to more questionable places.

In the event I am struggling to be active with her, I will either adopt her out so she has a more invested owner, or have her die in some plot. I don't like missing limbo and won't allow her to become another disappearance like some of her older siblings.